Leap Year

Life in the Time of Corona with Chinese Culinary Historian April Chan

Episode Summary

In the Season 1 Finale, host Jesse Kadjo talks with Chinese culinary historian April Chan about the impact of the pandemic on her community, her work, and the Chinese food scenes across the country.

Episode Notes

Follow April Chan on Twitter

Keep up with her writing on her website.

Read her James Beard Award-winning piece, Many Chinas, Many Tables. 

Leap Year is a production of Leap Year Podcast LLC. Created, hosted, and produced by Jesse Kadjo. Editing by LaKase Cousino and Jesse Kadjo. Sound Engineering by Brian Escobar. Music by Matt Boyer and Jesse Kadjo. Podcast Artwork by Anthony "CozCon" Conover. 

Follow our team on social: Jesse Kadjo, LaKase Cousino, Anthony "CozCon" Conover.